Privacy Policy for

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy applies to our website and governs our data collection, processing, and usage practices. By using the website, you consent to the data practices described in this policy.

2. Company Details

The website is owned and operated by Server Farm OÜ, located at Hansu tee 6, Metsakasti, Viimsi vald, Harju maakond, Estonia, 74019. For any privacy-specific concerns, please contact us at

3. Information Collection and Use

We do not use tracking cookies, and we do not collect any personal information from our visitors unless voluntarily provided through our contact form. The sole purpose of collecting information through our contact form is to respond to client inquiries. This information includes your name, email address, phone, company name, address and any other details you may provide in your message to us.

4. Data Retention and Security

The personal information provided through the contact form will reach us via an e-mail and we will use this information only to address your inquiry. We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

5. Opt-Out and Your Rights

As we do not subscribe users to mailing lists or use their information for any purpose other than responding to inquiries, there is no routine opt-out or subscription process. However, if you have any concerns or requests regarding your data, please contact us at

6. Compliance with Applicable Laws

Our Privacy Policy is crafted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant EU privacy laws. We are committed to upholding your rights to privacy and data protection.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about how we are protecting the information we collect.

8. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at